When we come into this world, I think of us as lovely vase full of light. We arrive as pure essence and then we start our life journey on the Earth plane. As we move along the path of life, our vase starts getting filled up with beliefs, memories good and bad, emotional scars and life experiences. All this stuff can soon leave the vase empty of love and light. We must be diligent about clearing out the stuff that does not serve us and replacing it will love. Love for ourselves and others which refills the vase with light. If we are unable to refill our vase with love and light, we may find ourselves with physical illness(es) and lack of satisfaction with life. Some of us turn to eating too much in an effort to fill this void of love and light. It is time to find ways to be more love and refill the vase with light and pure essence. I have found meditation helpful in refilling the vase with light. Also, being the source of love to myself and others pushes out and replaces the unwanted things in the vase. Take some time each day to center yourself and breathe into the area around your heart. Your heart is the center to help you fill your vase with love and light.
Also, I have found the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is very useful in removing the stored negative emotions. You can obtain more information about the technique at www.thetappingsolution.com.